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I love this project and visiting the site and having a browse. It’s wonderfully calming, inspiring and informative! (This morning learning the names of some wild flowers I see on my local beach). There are a lot of times when I cannot be outside in nature and long to be more in touch with natural rhythms, involved in conservation and be creative too. Please continue your important work!
Just wanted to say, Katie (after an awfully long time) really appreciate you kind comment. Wish I could be outside more – the residencies and the ability to really take time are something I will always treasure.
Ambitious, multi-faceted project with elements of poetry, art, photography, ecology, technology, biography and autobiography – and in this combination, so much beauty and inspiration from poet Lisa Matthews and blogger/photographer/designer Mel Ashby. The digital offerings and the events show what’s possible if you extend the confines of disciplines with passion and imagination.
Good to meet you both tonight. Hoping I can do something to get the story of Rachel Carson out to a wider public – especially at this moment in history. Best wishes.
Was lovely to meet you too – appreciate. Make sure to view the excerpt from the short film about Carson’s life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHRaChbrG8A – will try to find out more about where you can get a hold of it.
Hi Lisa,
I have just stumbled over your webpage whilst searching for information on my 4 x Great Granddad Thomas Robertson. I was fascinated to read your story ‘A Dip in Beadnell’ and for you to mention Adam Robertson’s fountain/pant as Adam was Thomas’ brother. Your mention of the Robertsons/Cockburns also rings a bell as I’m sure I have some info on them. I don’t suppose you know your grandfathers parents’ names at all? Anyhow, your website is truly amazing and it has been added to my favourites.
Kind Regards
Chris Bown